Banyan trees are mystical and can be awe-inspiring once they are established. If you grow one, it will be your prize and possession.
Let’s get straight into talking about Banyan trees and the care that goes into raising them.
Banyan Tree General Information
Banyan trees belong to the Ficus family. They are fig trees that initially grow on another plant. This makes it fall into the category of an epiphyte where its seed falls into a crack and then grows within a host tree.
The full scientific name of the Banyan tree is Ficus benghalensis. It is one of more than 750 types of fig trees. It is also the biggest fig tree. The biggest Banyan ficus covers over 4.7 acres.
Banyan Tree Care Guide
Ideal Conditions
The banyan tree has been adapted as a houseplant in indoor environments. It can be grown in a pot and have some of its growth limited by being pot bound. Nonetheless, it is still good to repot the banyan every couple of years.
The fig tree species prefers moist, well-drained soil. The soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings and with each watering, the water should thoroughly saturate the soil. If being planted in a pot, the pot should have drainage holes. You should continue watering until you see water come through the drainage holes.
The banyan tree can be maintained in a temperature of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Amount of Sun
Banyan trees prefer bright filtered light. They may be tolerant of partial shade but ideally can be grown in areas where they can receive plenty of sun.